Unnamed sources told The Times that Biden would only bow to pressure to go if he could “claim credit” for defeating former President Donald Trump in 2020, restoring the country, and paving the way for the next generation of Democrats.

According to The Times, the sources said Biden is a proud man, but stepping aside is not out of the question, though they estimated the odds of him trying to stay in the race were still 4 or 5 to 1, or at least 80%.

The newspaper also noted that Biden’s family is urging him to continue his campaign despite concerns raised by his poor debate performance against Trump on Thursday, which highlighted long-standing concerns about his age.

Over the weekend, The Times said Biden met with his wife, children, and grandchildren at Camp David, who did not dispute that the president had performed badly in the debate.

However, according to a source familiar with the conversations, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, they maintained a united front and believe he is still capable of serving another four years.

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Another anonymous source told The Times that Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, recently convicted of three felony charges, was among the strongest voices encouraging his father to stay in the race.

The White House did not immediately respond to Business Insider’s request for comment.

The newspaper reported that family members, excluding First Lady Jill Biden, were frustrated with Biden’s staff, including Anita Dunn, a senior White House advisor, and Bob Bauer, the president’s personal attorney, who role-played as Trump during debate rehearsals.

One person familiar with the conversations also mentioned concerns about Ron Klain, the former White House chief of staff, who oversaw debate preparations, according to The Times.

The newspaper, citing an unnamed source, said the family had questions about whether the president was overloaded with statistics and why Biden was allowed to look pale during the debate.

Klain, however, told The Times that it was certain that Biden would stay in the race.

“He is the choice of the Democratic voters,” Klain told the outlet. “We are seeing record levels of support from grass-roots donors. We had a bad debate night. But you win campaigns by fighting — not quitting — in the face of adversity.”

A recent CBS News/YouGov survey, based on a national sample of 1,130 registered voters, found that 76% of voters believe Biden shouldn’t be running for president, with 46% of Democratic registered voters thinking the same.

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