increase-customer-satisfaction-with-accurate-person-dataIncrease Customer Satisfaction With Accurate Person Data

The World Health Organization states, “Failure to correctly identify patients can be a root cause of many problems and has serious effects on health care provision.”

Today’s digital health and health tech companies have an opportunity to bring intelligent, personalized healthcare to life with speed and efficiency. This hinges on a crucial factor: comprehensive person records. Health tech companies must collect and make sense of data from all the places a patient has engaged—primary care, specialists, pharmacies, medical devices, and more—ensuring the accuracy and relevance of each piece of information as it is received. However, as the amount of healthcare data generated grows rapidly, the risk of duplicate, inconsistent, or inaccurate person identities increases.

Enterprise Master Person Index (EMPI) technology has a pivotal role in addressing the challenges health tech leaders face. They act as a central repository of identity information while adding a layer of science to improve match rates—providing a consistent and accurate way to identify people across diverse data sources.

EMPI: A cornerstone for healthcare data integrity and interoperability

For health tech companies creating innovative new solutions, EMPI technology is a compass guiding them toward faster customer onboarding with the assurance that person data is highly accurate and current. By centralizing patient information, an EMPI can ensure consistent and precise identification across disparate systems, laying the groundwork for enhanced data integrity, interoperability, and more.

For health tech leaders and development teams, EMPI technology adds data integrity for their customers and unlocks efficiencies and risk reduction for the product team and health tech company. It serves as a foundational element of the underlying infrastructure, fostering data accuracy and new opportunities for improving care, streamlining operations, and growth.

Choosing the right EMPI solution: a critical decision

At some point during a technology initiative, organizations must make a crucial decision: whether to build a solution in-house or purchase it from an external vendor. Given that IT/IS teams are often overburdened, it’s important to evaluate the options carefully. One approach is to build the components of the technology where you need to differentiate and secure a competitive edge. Alternatively, buying technology can make more sense for commodities or areas that require specialized expertise beyond the organization’s current capabilities.

Ultimately, selecting the right EMPI resource enables health tech companies to invest in their core competencies and competitive differentiators instead of sinking extra resources into infrastructure. Optimal EMPI solutions deliver ease of use through APIs and purpose-tuned matching, scale to meet market growth, and streamline data onboarding.

Selecting a partner with worldwide experience, flexible deployment options, and single-vendor support helps simplify rollouts. Companies enjoy flexible and scalable interoperability across locations, sources, and formats when their EMPI partner enables custom data fields to meet specific requirements, a unique ID for each person that populates dependent workflows, and prioritizes which data to match first.

In short, healthcare data must be matched, accurate, and available in the correct context. Selecting the optimal EMPI solution enables health tech companies to build confident person data into their products—developing customer trust, improving business insights, and decreasing costs.

To learn why product leaders should prioritize EMPI technology to provide transformative health technology that enhances data quality and analytics, enables a better patient experience, and improves outcomes, read the eBook “Increase Customer Satisfaction with Accurate Person Data.”

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