finnair:-over-one-million-passengers-and-slight-decline-in-passenger-load-factor-year-on-year-in-june-2024Finnair: Over One Million Passengers And Slight Decline In Passenger Load Factor Year-On-Year In June 2024


In June, Finnair carried 1,090,600 passengers. This was 9.4% more than in June 2023. The overall capacity, measured in Available Seat Kilometres (ASK), increased in June by 9.2% year-on-year as additional narrow-body capacity was deployed by Finnair after the wet lease outs to British Airways ended in March 2024. If wet lease outs are included, capacity increased by 11.2% due to the co-operation with Qantas. Finnair’s traffic, measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres (RPKs), increased by 8.2%. The Passenger Load Factor (PLF) declined by 0.7% points to 80.0%. The distance-based reported traffic figures do not take into account longer routings caused by the airspace closure as they are based on Great-Circle distance in accordance with the industry practice.

The ASKs in Asian traffic were up by 6.1% year-on-year due to added capacity to Japan. In North Atlantic ASKs increased by 16.4% due to added frequencies to Dallas and Chicago. In European traffic, the ASKs were up by 12.3% as majority of the increase in narrow-body capacity was allocated to Europe. The Middle Eastern capacity declined by 7.0% mainly due to cancelled flights to Israel. The ASKs in domestic traffic increased by 11.3% due to the additional narrow-body capacity.

RPKs increased in Asian traffic by 6.5% year-on-year. They increased by 17.9% in North Atlantic traffic, by 9.5% in European traffic and by 2.0% in domestic traffic whereas they decreased by 7.1% in Middle Eastern traffic.

In June, the PLF was 77.7% in Asian traffic, 83.8% in North Atlantic traffic, 81.9% in European traffic, 74.1% in Middle Eastern traffic and 69.3% in domestic traffic.

Passenger numbers increased by 6.1% in Asian traffic, by 12.0% in European traffic and by 16.1% in North Atlantic traffic. They decreased by 8.8% in Middle Eastern traffic and by 0.7% in domestic traffic.

In June, 75.7% of all Finnair flights arrived on schedule (82.0%). The on-time performance decline was due to the closure of one of the runways at Helsinki Airport for renovation work.

Traffic statistics for July 2024 will be published on Thursday 8 August 2024.

Finnair Traffic Performance June 2024
Month % Change YTD % Change
Total traffic
Passengers 1,000 1,090.6  9.4 5,522.7  1.9
Available seat kilometres mill 3,379,7  9.2 18,722.8  5.4
Revenue passenger kilometres mill 2,702.5  8.2 13,752.9  2.3
Passenger load factor %  80.0 – 0.7p  73.5 – 2.3p
Cargo tonnes total 12,894.8  6.9 71,878.0  10.7
Available tonne kilometres mill  488.7  9.8 2,740.2  7.3
Revenue tonne kilometres mill  317.1  7.8 1,657.8  3.9
Available seat kilometres incl. wet lease out mill 3,596.5 11.2 19,980.3 6.0
Passengers 1,000  113.6  6.1  638.2  0.8
Available seat kilometres mill 1,102.0  6.1 6,814.5  7.6
Revenue passenger kilometres mill  856.7  6.5 4,938.1  3.8
Passenger load factor %  77.7  0.2p  72.5 – 2.7p
Passengers 1,000  787.8  12.0 3,553.1  4.6
Available seat kilometres mill 1,538.3  12.3 7,588.2  9.2
Revenue passenger kilometres mill 1,259.7  9.5 5,687.8  2.8
Passenger load factor %  81.9 – 2.1p  75.0 – 4.6p
North Atlantic
Passengers 1,000  47.4  16.1  191.8 – 0.6
Available seat kilometres mill  434.6  16.4 2,030.2 – 5.0
Revenue passenger kilometres mill  364.3  17.9 1,499.2  1.8
Passenger load factor %  83.8  1.1p  73.8  4.9p
Middle East
Passengers 1,000  36.5 – 8.8  232.6 – 6.9
Available seat kilometres mill  223.1 – 7.0 1,450.9 – 6.7
Revenue passenger kilometres mill  165.3 – 7.1 1,055.0 – 4.9
Passenger load factor %  74.1 – 0.1p  72.7  1.4p
Passengers 1,000  105.3 – 0.7  907.0 – 4.3
Available seat kilometres mill  81.6  11.3  838.9  6.2
Revenue passenger kilometres mill  56.6  2.0  572.8 – 1.1
Passenger load factor %  69.3 – 6.3p  68.3 – 5.0p

* Including purchased traffic

  • Change %: Change compared to the figures of the respective periods in the previous year (p = points, N/A = not available).
  • Available seat kilometres. ASK: Total number of seats available multiplied by kilometres flown.
  • Revenue passenger kilometres. RPK: Number of revenue passengers carried multiplied by kilometres flown.
  • Passenger load factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available seat kilometres.
  • Available tonne kilometres. ATK: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of passengers, cargo and mail multiplied by kilometres flown.
  • Revenue tonne kilometres. RTK: Total revenue load consisting of passengers, cargo and mail multiplied by kilometres flown.

The article Finnair: Over one million passengers and slight decline in passenger load factor year-on-year in June 2024 first appeared in TravelDailyNews International.

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