The upcoming Robot Damashii HAL 826 AC toy by Bandai Spirits.

Bandai Spirits, FromSoftware

What with all the model kits on the way for Armored Core VI, we also have some toys too. With the latest being of another boss from the end of the game.

There are three endings to Armored Core VI; bad, good and true. The first Robot Damashii toy announced from Bandai Spirits was from the bad ending and was the IB-07: SOL 644 piloted by Ayre. It looks like a nice and beefy toy, but only around a third of players even beat it.

The latest toy announcement is from the good ending of the game (shown below) and is the HAL 826 armored core piloted by Handler Walter. This was actually the ending I got on my first playthrough. This design was also openly confirmed to have been designed by Shoji Kawamori, and it’s actually one of my favorite mecha designs in the game.

However, this is yet another end game boss. If we look at the achievement stats for the Liberator of Rubicon trophy, we see that on the PlayStation only 34.81% of players got it. For Xbox gamers, the figure is even lower at 27% and players on Steam were a bit better at 36.35%.

This means that the majority of people who played Armored Core VI, of which these toys are clearly meant for, will not have even seen this boss in the game. So I really don’t get what the merchandising strategy is here.

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On the toy itself, it looks fantastic. It comes with the full loadout of weapons, that of the Coral Rifle, Coral Oscillator, Coral Missile Launcher and Coral Shield. You also get the overheat setup in full effect as well, which is pretty cool.

While this figure doesn’t appear to be all that big, the complexity and number of the accessories included as well as the various gimmicks will make the engineering more involved. Not to mention the insanely fine sculpt and detailing. The result of all these is that the price is pretty steep for a Robot Damashii figure, coming in at 19,250 yen (or around $120).

My only real complaint is that the paint scheme is a lot shinier than I was expecting. In the game (shown below), the coloring is far more subdued. That aside, it looks amazing and spot on to the game.

Released this November in Japan, I will be definitely be picking this up, but I wish we had more regular designs from the game given the Robot Damashii or even the chogokin treatment.

Armored Core VI is available to play on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC. Feel free to check out my review of the game, as it is genuinely excellent.

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